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Leading Teams 


Leadership Through Teamwork

Length: 1 day

Program Summary: Improving team performance is one of the most challenging aspects of leading
a team. Whether you are part of a leadership team or a departmental supervisor, you will learn how to
employ dynamic and easy techniques to improve your effectiveness as a leader, and team

performance level. Explore and assess how your team functions within five critical areas, identify your
team developmental stage, learn how to incorporate useful "tools" to assist your team during meetings,
learn how to communicate more effectively with people that do not think like you, and give better
feedback that helps build a team spirit. Your entire team will benefit from this opportunity to explore
new concepts and "think out of the box."

                What you will learn:

    • Why managing team performance is critical to the success of any organization
    • How communication skills impact and influence team members
    • Social styles and how they influence others
    • Team development
    • The value of team participation and commitment
    • Obstacles facing every team

                How you will benefit:

    • Become familiar with all aspects of working as a team
    • Improve productivity by communicating more effectively
    • Instill the "value" of working as a team
    • Identify different "social styles" and learn how to improve communication with "other" styles
    • Strengthen and practice working in a team setting


An employee version of this is available "Team Building That Makes Your Team Thrive"




"Simulation" Team Building Activities



"Kids Play Toy Company"


Ø      Tasks and roles are assigned to "set-up" this simulation

Ø   The team is challenged to design a new product

Ø   Interruptions, and change of direction are thrust upon the teams, challenging their focus and task completion



     "Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains"


Ø      Challenges teams to make quality decisions under pressure

Ø      Utilizes team synergy to "save" the injured scout leader

Ø      Teams decide which of 5 actions to take, and 10 items to secure their survival


       "Tall Ships" - teams complete a competitive ship building


Ø     Creativity

Ø      Clarity

Ø      Capability

Ø      Collaboration

Ø      Commitment

Ø      Communication

Ø      Continuous improvement


       "FISH Philosophy"


Ø      Be There

Ø      Play

Ø      Make Their Day

Ø      Choose Your Attitude


NOTE: The above "simulations"can be stand used as alone activities or incorporated with a full day program.

* 25% off delivery fee, customization and simulation tools/assessments at reg. rate  



Hebert Performance Training
(315) 303-4750



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