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Leading Change 

                 Managing Change: Are You Ready To Lead?

Length: 1 day

Program Summary: Are you a leader in an organization that is striving to engage employees
in productive ways to incorporate changes? Learn why people react negatively to changes,
and how better communication can alleviate some of the mystery. This program includes: the
nature of change, managing resistant behaviors, strategies to engage employees in the change
process, the "opportunities" of change, and how to become a proactive "change agent."

                   What you will learn

    • What behaviors to expect during times of change
    • How to communicate more effectively during a change initiative
    • How attitudes regarding change affect employee performance
    • Strategies to help your employees accept and incorporate changes into their daily work
    • The characteristics of an effective "change agent"
    • How to engage employees in the change process
    • The many sources and types of change and how they influence behavior
    • The normal phases of change
    • Why we tend to resist change in our life
    • Identify productive and nonproductive personal responses to change
    • Strategies and techniques to work through times of change

                    How you will benefit

    • Communicate more effectively by engaging employees more in the change process
    • Help employees through the phases of change
    • Reduce frustrations through better communication
    • Handle employee resistance in a positive and constructive manner
    • Alleviate some of the "fears" associated with change
    • Transform a negative perception of change into a more positive and creative view
    • Become more productive, even during changing times
    • Discuss "real life" changes and how to deal with them more effectively


An employee version of this program is "Dealing With Change In the Workplace" 


Hebert Performance Training
(315) 303-4750



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