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                        Leadership Development Certificate
    (choice of 1 day programs)

 "Core" Programs   

  • Communicate With the Style of A Dynamic Leader
  • Coaching: Creating Peak Performers
  • Leadership Through Teamwork
  • Leading & Building A Customer - Focused Organization
  • Managing Performance Before It Manages You
  • Managing Change: Are You Ready To Lead?

"Elective" Programs

  • Managing Your Time At Work
  • Taking the Mystery Out of Performance Appraisals 
  • Exceptional Presentation & Training Skills
  • Holding More Effective Meetings
  • Customer Service Customers Expect
  • Wowing & Winning Difficult Customers
  • Understanding Ourselves & Others: What Makes Us Tick?
  • Conflict: Do You Have Time For It?
  • Exceptional "Sales" Presentation Skills 

                            (See descriptions under Management & Supervisory programs)

"Core" Programs

Communicate With the Style of A Dynamic Leader: The ability of a supervisor to effectively communicate with employees is the single most important factor in how well employees perform. Supervisors are continually faced with changing environments that require unique communication skills. Review the basics and learn more advanced communication skills that are needed to: develop employees, work with individual personality styles, function within diverse organizations, and resolve conflict.

Coaching: Creating Peak Performers: The ability to develop peak performers is a key attribute of a successful manager. Providing positive reinforcement and constructive feedback improves employee relationships and development. Learn when and how to deliver effective feedback, why feedback is critical to development, and how to monitor for success. This interactive program gives experience through role-playing, small group discussions and exercises.

Leadership Through Teamwork: Improving team performance is one of the most challenging aspects of leading a team. Whether you are part of a leadership team or a front-line supervisor, you will learn how to employ dynamic techniques to improve your team's performance. Learn how to assess your team's performance in five critical areas, identify your team's developmental stage, incorporate meeting "tools," communicate more effectively with people that don't think like you, and give feedback that builds team spirit. Your team will benefit from exploring new concepts and "thinking out of the box."

Leading & Building A Customer-Focused Organization: Beyond setting an example of how to treat customers, managers must actively support their teams in order to create a customer-focused organization. Program components include: 1) an overview of the employee two day program (see employee program descriptions); 2) a review and discussion of a 14 point model "Customer Service: An Organizational View" which is critical for building a culture of serving customers; 3) coaching skills, which are necessary for post-training reinforcement.

Managing Performance Before It Manages You: Managing performance is the most challenging responsibility of managing an organization. Knowing why performance may be excelling or plummeting is critical to the development of employees, as well as to the larger responsibility of meeting organizational goals. This program will provide an opportunity for in-depth work in: understanding performance, creating "real world" objectives, providing ongoing feedback, documenting performance, and conducting and preparing for the appraisal process.

Managing Change: Are You Ready To Lead?: Are you a leader in an organization that is striving to engage employees in productive ways to incorporate changes? Learn why people react negatively to change, and how better communication can alleviate some of the mystery. This program includes: the nature of change, managing resistant behaviors, strategies to engage employees in the change process, the "opportunities" of change, and how to become a proactive "change agent."


"Elective" Programs

Managing Your Time At Work: Time is what drives our every behavior, so why not learn how to use it more effectively and productively. There are many people who seem to be very productive, yet never look hurried. Learn how to get focused on the critical items by de-cluttering your "to do" list." Getting the right things done each day can be accomplished, yet we must be focused, organized and efficient.

Conflict: Do You Have Time For It? Conflict is inevitable in our everyday lives, both within and outside of the workplace. You can't eliminate conflict, but you can change the way you react and manage conflict when it does occur. More effective communication during times of conflict allows for improved outcomes, while reducing stress. Effectively utilizing opposing points of view, can generate new and productive solutions, while saving critical relationships. Learn the techniques to decrease the negative impact of conflict in your life, in this interactive and fun-filled program. This dynamic environment allows participants to explore the concepts through exercises, activities, and "real world" discussions.

Exceptional Presentation & Training Skills (Public Sessions in NY)
Are you a new trainer or experienced presenter, yet haven?t had the opportunity to learn the "tricks" of the trade?
Learn the "essentials" that every trainer should know, as well as what makes an engaging presenter. Learn through
this experiential program to: present your best personal self, communicate with more ease, use visual aids, manage
diverse and difficult participants, utilize adult learning principles, deliver powerful presentations, and many other
critical components of being a more effective presenter. Videotapes are used for feedback and reinforcement.

Taking The Mystery Out of Performance Appraisals : The performance appraisal is often one of the most misused tools in organizations. The preparation and delivery of the appraisal is often dreaded by managers. Improve performance levels by using effective techniques for monitoring progress, setting standards, giving feedback, documenting, and providing employees a more positive work environment.

Holding More Effective Meetings: Meetings can be a major time waster, unless you know the basics of how to run a more productive meeting. Improve attendance, participation and successful results by learning: when to have a meeting, avoiding time-wasters, using member "roles," creating an agenda, learning how brainstorming and consensus are useful tools, and how to effectively analyze the success of a meeting. More effective meetings can help improve communication, as well as provide a corporate vision.

Understanding Ourselves and Others: What Makes Us Tick? (1/2 day programs) Why is it that we communicate and react differently to each other? Learn about the different social styles which we operate from and how this influences why we work better with some people and not so well with others. Become a more flexible and effective communicator by understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and how they impact relationships both positively and negatively. Fun, interactive and experiential.

Customer Service Customers Expect: Superior customer service is often the major reason consumers choose to do business with an organization. Treating customers with respect, and serving them in a knowledgeable manner, helps create a reputation for being "easy to do business with." In contrast, poor service can tarnish an image. Providing excellent service includes: understanding "customer" expectations, a professional image, communicating, creating a "win-win" strategy, and resolving disputes professionally. Learn through this "fun" filled session to "wow" customers and keep them for life!

Wowing & Winning Difficult Customers: Have you ever wanted to handle customers that drive you crazy with more tact and professionalism? Improve your ability to deal with rude, impatient, upset, frustrated, demanding, cursing, and complaining customers. You'll learn how to professionally say "no," deal with stress to avoid burnout, avoid using customer dissatisfying phrases, turn negative customers around, as well as understand the basic "people" styles that influence customers' behavior.

Exceptional "Sales" Presentation Skills: Do you make sales and other presentations yet haven't had a chance to learn the professional "tricks of the trade?" Knowing your product and your customer are key components, yet your presentation will ultimately make or break the deal. Learn the easy techniques to look more confident, feel more comfortable, and remain in control. You'll learn many effective ways to look more prepared, utilize visuals effectively, and address questions. Learn through this experiential program how to: present your best personal self, communicate with ease, manage difficult participants, as well as how to deliver a powerful and engaging presentation. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their presentations and receive feedback. 




Hebert Performance Training
(315) 303-4750



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